Getting around in a converted courier truck that’s also your house is all well and good, until it comes to the crunch. By ‘the crunch’, I refer to that moment when it becomes clear that you cannot pull up in
Solar Vision
I received a vision last night that I would be needed outside the local supermarket, so when I woke up I immediately got ready for what would be another busy psychic day. It was around midday when I saw the
Strange with aluminium
We had one of those weekends where we were just flat out. I don’t think I sat down for more than 5 minutes all day. I can’t remember the last time we were so busy. I have mixed feelings because
Dirge and Glass
The Dirge will win this challenge easily. Right now he is playing his favourite heavy metal dirges, typing up this mandatory blog post (in the third person, obviously) and getting started on his balustrade. He cannot wait for the climax
Next Top Office
Oh my gosh, did you hear? They’ve just announced the new season of Australia’s Next Top Office. I can’t wait until it gets released on Not Flicks later this year. Last season was so intense and interesting. Who could have
Solar Advice
Welcome back to my advice column! Today I’ll be answering some questions about energy because for some reason I’ve been flooded with emails about it lately. If anybody knows why this is, feel free to let me know, because honestly,
Technology is Confusing
The air conditioning in my car is too cold! I think it might be broken. It’s made driving an absolute nightmare recently, especially now that we’re getting toward winter. My grandson says that I should just “turn down the a/c”,
Broken Balustrade
Looks like I’ve got to cancel my plans for the evening, thanks to the Glass Smashing Bandit. Once again I’ve become a victim of his attacks. Maybe I should give up on building the perfect glass house. I can’t do
Engine Existence Failure
I’m still on the fence about whether I want to see the last Space Battles movie, and that’s a bit sad. I just wasn’t a fan of The Penultimate Dead-Eye, and now they’re trying to entice us back into the
The Sunny Surface
Melbourne is more my thing, for sure. I was having a total meltdown when I emerged up far north. No, but seriously, for someone like me that place is way too hot. I heard on the grapevine that Melbourne was