I received a vision last night that I would be needed outside the local supermarket, so when I woke up I immediately got ready for what would be another busy psychic day. It was around midday when I saw the man who needed help. In my vision, he was setting up some solar panels and seemed to be really struggling with them. Of course, as a psychic, I got there before he had even started.
“You’re going to need a hand with those,” I said. “Let me help you. I’m Miranda, the Travelling Psychic.”
“Oh,” the man said, “thank you. I’m just trying to set up commercial solar energy for this shopping centre.”
I knew he was going to say that but I pretended that it was new information to me. The two of us got to work, spending the next few hours installing brand new solar panels. When the work was done I decided he was ready for my sale’s pitch.
“Would you like a horoscope reading?” I asked. “It’s not too expensive and can really help you with the rest of your day. Just twenty dollars!”
He shrugged. “I suppose so. I owe you that much after all the help. Can you tell me if I missed anything with this project?”
Once he handed me a twenty-dollar note I got to work, considering my mobile star chart and asking what star sign he was. Taurus, if it matters to you. “Ah, I see that we did indeed miss something. You need to find someone to install commercial battery storage near Melbourne, or otherwise, this shopping centre will be doomed.”
“Of course!” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “That’s a great idea. Why didn’t I think of it? I’ll get in contact with the property owner and see if we can get it set up. That will make a huge difference to their business. Thanks Miranda the Travelling Psychic!”
Another happy customer and twenty bucks in my pocket all the while. A solid day’s work.