My workplace is like a prison camp. Everyone is so intimidated by our boss that speaking to him is like walking on eggshells. You never know what he’s gonna snap at you about. When we get our commercial refrigeration repairs around Sydney, we might just get a chance to escape…
The whole workforce got into a dispute with him regarding our pay, since none of us were at the award rate, which of course, is illegal. We approached him about it and had a reasonable meeting. But he refused to raise the pay or back pay up and now he’s got his lawyers in. Sadly, the fair work commission are so overloaded that they’re not going to get back to us for months, if ever at all, I guess they’ve got their hands full with the dang industrial action in the public transport sector.
In retaliation, our boss has recently started up some bizarre intimidation tactics, presumably to bully us into keeping quiet. What he’s done is put threatening images all around the place, just to freak us out. They’re stills from horror films and real life crime scenes. It’s quite disturbing. We’re hoping that when we get the repairs guy in to fix up the broken freezer, he’ll see what’s going on here and we’ll get an impartial witness of what’s going on here. We’re hoping he’ll report on our account, to bolster up our case against psycho boss.
If he’s a good repair man I might call him back around my place cos our dishwasher has been acting funny. Dishwasher repairs and fridge repairs can’t be all that different can they? The dishwasher is actually leaking and it smells funny. I could be because I tried to wash my son’s leggo set which he had slobbered all over and the bits and pieces went flying everywhere. Ah well, live and learn.