When I first reported the accident I kept it very quiet. I didn’t want any controversy created over who was to blame. I simply slipped off the aluminium platform, it was my fault although really it was an innocent accident. Luckily I hadn’t caused myself any serious harm. A couple of bruises and a gash on my leg from where I hit the side of the mobile scaffolding but no broken bones or gaping wounds. I remember when Micky had his accident years ago, he was working with very high platform ladders in Melbourne on a big construction gig. Again, it wasn’t anyones fault except Micky’s, he had been out the night before and hadn’t had enough sleep. It’s never a good idea to head to a worksite when your heads not 100% alert. Micky sadly broke his back and was bed bound for a few months before a slow recovery began. I, fortunately, avoided such a disastrous fate. I got some xrays done just in case any injuries lingered beneath the surface but luckily nothing serious to be seen. Of course I wasn’t looking to press charges or anything and I made that very clear to my boss, there would be no grounds anyway as there was no obvious hazard apart from my own mindlessness. The aluminium platform was in perfect condition and fitted correctly. I don’t think I’ll be going to construction anytime soon, the accident was a bit of warning sign that I’m getting a little bit too old for the business. I got one more important job to do which just involves picking up some new custom ladders for the boss which I will gladly do. He’s ordered some extra strength fibreglass ladders to add to the collection when we need to access slightly riskier parts of the site. I just count myself lucky that in all my years I never experienced anything worse than a few cuts and bruises.